Starswept ® Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties) - Ontario, Canada



Proudly owned and loved by Barb of Ionia, Iowa, USA

April 28, 2000

Just a quick note to let you know that we haven't made any decisions yet regarding Hamlet...Though we are considering Agility. He has finally fact..stronger than the other dogs. Sleeps at my feet under the computer, and if I lay down for a quick nap, he jumps up to lay on the bed beside me. Finally getting lots of kisses, and he's really enjoying "Tummy Rubs"

I'm going to talk to the trainer about agility classes for him. He is SO fast in the yard, the girls can't catch him, and he can turn on a dime. He has also picked up "fetch" from our old dog Lucy, and just loves it. He will run till he just about drops. He's also starting to "catch" the ball in mid-air, jumping two or three feet off the ground. He's figured out that he can beat out the other dogs if he catches it in mid air, and also he doesn't have to run as far! All in all he has turned into a wonderful companion, and if we can work it into our schedules we will try him in agility.


Barb Duckett"


Rusty 1 year

Proudly owned and loved by Brian, Leila, sons Jesse and Mason of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

October 3, 2000

Right now I will apologize for not sending you any of Rusty's
pictures it is just that with the grooming we gave him for the summer we
found that it did not do him justice. His coat is now much fuller & he looks
great! I will send you pictures of him that you requested some time ago.
This is the best summer we ever had because of Rusty the boys play outside
more they feel he is their GUARDIAN & they feel much safer with him
around(not that he would do anything to hurt anybody or anything!) He is our
bush buddy & loves the time they spend outside together. On that note I will
try to get these pictures to you ASAP.

Talk to you soon,


Rusty 7 weeks

Rusty 7 wks Rusty with Jesse & Mason

November 22, 1999

Our new boy now has a name. We call him "RUSTY". He has taken a real shine to my wife Leila & does everything she asks him to. He is wonderful and we love him very much. He is eating well and is doing very well at being house trained. I think he is training us as much as we train him.Thought I would drop you a short note just to let you know he is fine.

See you,

Brian & Family" 



He is a littermate to Shoshana and has successfully completed both basic and advanced obedience courses. Congratulations on a job well done!

Proudly Owned & Loved by Rose Ann, Rick, and son Zachary 1 yr of Pinckney, Michigan, USA

October 13, 2000

How are you all?  I know it has been quite a while, and I thought you would appreciate an update on Shadow.     Congratulations on Shania!  She is a beauty and she sure has done well, hasn't she?  I check your web-site to see updates regularly.  The new pups look to be very promising as well.  Best wishes with them all!   Shadow is doing GREAT!  We love him, and he knows it!  (He's not too spoiled though.....just enough :o)  Zach and he are great friends, as you would expect.    We are always getting compliments on him where ever we go.  Doesn't surprise us at all.     The family took a couple of camping trips this summer, and Shadow was king camper.  He did so well, and we were very proud of him!  He loves the outdoors, so camping is perfect for him.   I have attached some recent photos of him.  These were taken about a month ago.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  I will keep in touch!  

Rose Ann"

Shadow with Zachary 1 yr

Shadow & Zachary

June 4, 1999

Shadow is doing extremely well. He is so cute and smart. I don't think he is going to be too difficult to train at all. He is a fast learner and is fitting in with our family better than I had anticipated.

Shadow has seen the veterinarian and had his second series of shots. The vet seemed pretty impressed with Shadow, and we are very proud of our boy! He has grown quite a bit.

We have decided to call him Starswept Shadow. He has been living up to his name, and I think it fits him well!

I will be in touch with you to keep you updated on Shadow.

Rose Ann"

Shadow 5 months (family hike)

Shadow's Certificate

September 5, 1999

I hope your summer has been a nice one. Thank you for the well wishes!

Shadow is doing great, as you would expect. He is looking more and more like an adult dog and his coat is beautiful! He did soooo well on the camping trips that we have taken, it's hard to believe he is still a puppy. We own a truck camper and it is more "house-like" than a tent. He likes to have a fan blowing on him while he lays on the floor. We even took him on some nice hikes with us and he loved seeing all of the wild life. He didn't even bark at the squirrels, chipmunks, ducks, and deer. He was very curious about them though. We are planning on another camping trip before it gets too cold. Maybe in a couple of weeks. I'm hoping to go to Ludington State Park. There are a lot of hiking trails there and lots of water for thirsty doggies.

Shadow and I will be starting a basic obedience class in a little more than a week from now. We will see how does, and take it from there. I will keep you informed as things progress.

Thanks for keeping in touch and best wishes to you and your family!


Rose Ann"